Sawmill Sid Human Resources

Sawmill Sid Human Resources

Organization Governance

For a decade, Sawmill Sid has continually evolved from a start-up as an early stage business founded by entrepreneur Sidney Gendron. The business was a single truck and mill combination with a small crew traveling from a Central Ontario base to many locales throughout the Province. Initially we enlisted workers and helpers through dealing with customers in local areas as needed working with a small core of staff. The establishment of a Re-purposing Enterprise with a number of local units at fixed bases requires the high level of experience and management know-how acquired through our 10 years in the business. From our experience coupled with an ability to enlist and develop capable staff and management with a wide-ranging specialist talent base springs an organization structure with a forceful capability to address needs detailed in other sections of this paper. We are currently training 3 staff for the position of Sawmill Operator in partnership with the YMCA Youth Employment Fund.

Corporate Management

Sidney Gendron leads and directs the enterprise and coordinates key business functions: Business Development / Marketing, Public Relations, Strategic Initiatives, Direction of Administrative Team (both in-house and external), overseeing partnership linkages, overview of operational areas.

To assist in sales and marketing, Sawmill Sid plans to utilize the services of a local marketing and consulting firm that specializes in business planning, marketing planning, training, website design and marketing, and marketing to the federal government.

Marketing and sales will play an important role in convincing consumers to switch from their old products to the facility’s products. This marketing firm will help create the need for our products and services while at the same time capturing the attention of the consumers' targeted. Some of the selected firm’s duties will include writing press releases, coordinating print and radio press, monitoring the competition, making presentations to potential clients, and studying the markets to identify customers' needs and determine how to best appeal to those needs.

Transitioning to a New Level

As our operational mandate is currently expanding we a have assembled a group of external professionals to assist us with legal, accountancy, organizational development, technical advice, forestry, and market development. These individuals may participate in our company as we grow or may be called upon as necessary for their expertise in future.


Our detailed HR Plan includes High initial priority to develop or recruit an Operations Manager . This individual will have – demonstrated technical knowledge and understanding of day-to-day workings of production details; high level of accountability to maximize work generated by crews and equipment; strong skills in motivating, training and development, coaching, and supervision abilities; and highly refined sense of quality control and customer service and relationship capability.

The controller position is accountable for the accounting operations of the company, to include the production of periodic financial reports, maintenance of an adequate system of accounting records, and a comprehensive set of controls and budgets designed to mitigate risk, enhance the accuracy of the company's reported financial results, and ensure that reported results comply with generally accepted accounting principles or international financial reporting standards.


Our Personnel Plan is our blueprint for Human Resources growth and individual staff development. The Plan is predicated on market and operational imperatives. We base this on numbers of facility bases in local communities as awareness and demand for services is anticipated to grow. The Personnel Plan reflects the staffing levels required to manage and achieve the anticipated levels of production, and establish the customer base needed to achieve the revenues projected and reach profitability.

We have projected a staff of 19 employees in 2014. This includes the owner, 1 senior staff member, 1 administrator, 8 equipment operators, 8 laborers; this staff of 19 will operate the sawmill enterprise.

In addition to the above, we plan to hire a local trucking firm to deliver wood from the wood diversion facilities to our re-purposing facility. This is expected to result in the creation of two additional jobs.

Therefore, the total employment impact of this venture is expected to be the creation of 20 jobs in the first year of operation.